S1: Ep 20 -Give the Doula Your Moolah

Give the Doula Your Moolah
Tim Lagman

I truly have no idea what goes on when you're pergonant...pergnan....perogiean...pargnont? Whatever! That's why I invited Anna Balagtas, certified doula in birth, abortion, and postpartum, to help me figure out what the hell is up with the womb. What's the dealio with doulas? What makes them different than midwives or OB/GYNs? Can I make my titties lactate so I can have a milkshake on the go? Enjoy this last Christmas Special episode all about birth work as we make like a condom and wrap up the year and wrap up season 1 and begin anew with new life, new resolutions, and new wet holes to fuck.

"My name is Anna (she/her) and I'm a Queer + Pinay full circle birthworker, energy worker, and pleasure activist. My practice is rooted in the decolonization of birthwork, radical QTBIPOC+ care, and queer reproductive justice as was taught to me by king yaa. I support birthing folks and families in fertility, birth, postpartum, abortion, miscarriage, and loss. I believe in providing gender affirming and trauma informed care for all folks in their reproductive journeys. I take care in understanding there is anti-racism work to be upheld in all facets of birth and beyond and am committed to hold accountable the many systems of oppression that continue to harm marginalized folks. My goal is to make sure any space we share together will be radical, inclusive, and affirming."

Follow Anna's socials!
Instagram: @pocketdoula
Website: https://www.yourpocketdoula.com/

Email: timlagman@sexedwithtim.com

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Tim Lagman

Certified sex educator based in Toronto, Canada


S2: Ep 1 - Fappy New Year: 2021‘s Year in Review of Bad Sex


S1: Ep 19 -Itty Bitty Safer Sex Committee