Tita Slut
The word “tita” is Filipino for “aunt.” It can be used to call your actual aunt or any strong female figure in your life. She is the foul-mouthed, gossipy relative at the dinner party who will say anything she wants whether you like it or not. Naturally, she’s great at giving advice. Have a question for Tita Slut? Click the button below and give her a shout. Just make sure to begin with “Kumusta Tita Slut.” (That means hi.) Feel free not to use your real name. That’s between you and Tita.
Can I Mourn A Relationship That Never Happened?
I don’t know his name or what he looks like, but I love him.
How Do I Handle a Relationship That Makes Me a Better Person?
I barely recognize myself anymore.
Should I Confess About an Affair From the Past?
“I cheated on her. Now we’re married. And it keeps me up at night.”